NAPFA 2024年秋季全国会议



Advyzon是您完整的技术解决方案,结合了可定制的性能报告, 灵活的计费, 健全的客户关系管理(CRM), 可定制的客户端门户和移动应用程序, 安全兼容的文档存储, 无缝勘探和强大的商业智能在一个单一的, 集成平台. 我们认为技术应该简单易用, 创新并以卓越的客户服务为后盾, 这些是Advyzon成立的核心原则.


利他主义者 exists to help everybody get more from their money by empowering independent advisors to drive better results for more clients at lower costs. We’re obsessed with helping people get more from their money by empowering advisors to drive better results at lower costs for any number of clients. When independent advisors can deliver better results to more clients at lower costs, everybody wins.


Yrefy, LLC是一家全国性专业消费金融贷款机构, 明确关注陷入困境的私人学生贷款. 我们专有的信用和风险承受模式使我们能够向服务不足的人提供贷款, 较低的信用等级. 通过Yrefy,学生借款人可以实现财务独立并实现他们的财务目标. 我们与拖欠和拖欠私人学生贷款的借款人和共同借款人合作。. 我们的目标是帮助落后的借款人和共同借款人, 重建他们的信用, 通过偿还他们拖欠的贷款.

参展商 & 赞助商

2 gr股本

The principals of 2 gr股本 have been proudly supporting NAPFA advisors and their clients since 2006. The DFW based private equity firm invests exclusively in commercial real 房地产 with best in class developers/sponsors. Since 2011, 2GR has invested in 31 properties with a total capitalization of more than $782 million. 该公司已经退出了其中的22个项目,平均净回报率为19%.9%内部收益率和1.7 x多个. 2GR的大多数投资者都是NAPFA收费顾问的客户.


我们专门为顾问提供服务. 凭借我们的专业知识, ria获得了他们需要的业务覆盖, 所以他们有他们想要的内心的平静. 我们提供E&O, D&O,网络,犯罪,社会工程,ERISA解决方案等.


30多年来, 嘉信理财一直是支持独立注册投资顾问(ria)的领导者。. 我们致力于各种规模的公司的成功, 无论背景如何, 管理资产, 或者业务复杂性. 携手合作,我们可以帮助您的业务走得更远. Get started by discovering the breadth of services you can tap into when you choose Schwab as your custodian.


泥鸽通讯 is a full-service book-writing and publishing company with a digital marketing twist. 当你的书正在写的时候, 我们将部分内容重新用于在您的博客上发布或发送到您的电子邮件列表. We specialize in creating communication that engages clients and COIs so you can expand your referral channels even further.


As a cornerstone educational partner of the Financial Planning Association (FPA) and the first reverse lender on Morningstar’s Advisor Workstation, 美国金融反向有限责任公司(FAR) empowers financial professionals with strategic tools for optimizing client retirement planning with home equity.


在FPα, we empower financial advisors to become indispensable to their clients by leveraging advanced AI technology to deliver comprehensive tax, 房地产, 和保险计划解决方案,支持客户的整个人生旅程.


蓬勃发展建立技术,授权财务顾问, 改善财务生活和退休结果, 并提供新的和创新的投资选择,顾问. 如今,该平台支持超过4美元.5 billion in assets under custody and is used by more than 750 wealth management firms representing more than $1.管理着5万亿的资产. 威利保险由麻省互助人寿保险公司(MassMutual)全资拥有。. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.蓬勃发展.com.


在戈登的同事, 48年来,我们的使命一直是努力工作,使长期护理计划变得简单. We offer a range of cutting-edge Long Term Care Insurance (LTCI) solutions – Stand-Alone “Traditional” LTCI and Hybrid Asset-Based Life/Annuities with LTCI Riders. 我们经验丰富的团队提供周到的客户服务, 包括政策审查和索赔支持. 我们还致力于LTCI教育,并提供CFP®认证的CE课程. 我们是全国最有经验的LTC专家, NAPFA的长期资源合作伙伴, 并获得全国许可.


在标志性的保险, 我们专注于帮助个人和小企业制定健康保险计划. We put our clients first by empowering them with the knowledge to understand what they’re buying and how to use it.


小母牛基金会为潜在捐助者和规划专业人员提供免费资源, 包括慈善捐赠策略, 遗嘱和附录的语言样本, 以及有关捐助者建议基金的信息. Our nonprofit mission is to raise and oversee financial assets to support the work of Heifer International, which works with smallholder farmers – especially women farmers – in over 20 countries around the world to improve their families’ food security and increase their incomes by offering tools, 培训和资源.


Holistiplan is an award-winning financial planning tool specializing in tax and insurance risk management, 很快扩展到遗产规划. 它的OCR技术扫描纳税申报单,在45秒内生成面向客户的税务报告, 突出规划机会. 情景分析工具对罗斯转换和慈善捐赠等情景进行建模. Holistiplan的保险风险管理工具确定了Home的保险缺口, 汽车, 和保护伞政策. 自2019年以来,它得到了3万多用户的信任,是税务规划软件的领导者.


合资企业股权合伙人, 一家位于沃斯堡的私人投资公司, TX, provides middle-market joint venture equity solutions to experienced commercial real 房地产 developers and operators. 通过与行业专业人士建立这些程序化的关系, we are able to structure attractive investments for our clients to invest directly into commercial real 房地产. 所有权已经作为合资企业的股权合作伙伴进行了超过15年的专门投资, 为商业地产项目提供超过2亿美元的直接投资.


超过25年, LLIS has provided fee-only financial advisors and their clients with comprehensive insurance consulting and support services. We're a team of experts in the insurance process – from planning to ongoing service to free policy reviews – for term, LTCi, 残疾, 年金, 混合动力车, 以及来自高评级公司的低负载固定和可变寿命解决方案. LLIS team members work seamlessly to help your clients reach their income security and wealth preservation goals.


长桥金融, LLC is a leading national reverse mortgage lender and servicer committed to providing financial advisors with the education and support needed to responsibly utilize home equity in retirement planning. The financial solutions Longbridge offers can help by giving clients options to improve flexibility, 税收效率, 现金流,同时保留其他投资组合资产. 长桥是全国各地顾问及其客户的资源, 与信誉良好的公司合作,分享我们对最高道德的承诺, 监管, 以及客户服务标准.


NFP私人客户组 specializes in securing custom tailored comprehensive insurance programs for affluent families. 从房主, 汽车, 游艇和航空的贵重物品和伞式保险, NFP可以处理这一切. 我们的市场包括Chubb, PURE, Berkley One和Cincinnati Private Client group. NFP是一家领先的财产和意外保险经纪公司. 我们通过专业知识帮助客户取得成功, 创新技术, 以及与高评级保险公司的持久关系, 全球的供应商和金融机构.


在美国有28家分店.S., the Piper Sandler fixed income team provides the full array of taxable and tax-exempt investment solutions, 在50个州的分销网络中拥有多种产品的交易柜台. The fixed income platform is also closely integrated with the firm’s investment banking and public finance groups. 另外, our financial strategies group within fixed income consists of 30+ dedicated strategists who draw upon their expertise in fixed income portfolio management and macroeconomics.


Private College 529 is a prepaid tuition plan that locks in current rates at nearly 300 private colleges and universities nationwide, 防范学费上涨. 我们是唯一一个529预付学费的计划, 因此,注册和储蓄没有州居住要求. 客户享受与其他529计划相同的联邦税收优惠和灵活使用资金.

瑞安保险战略顾问公司/ A Gallagher公司

Ryan Insurance Strategy Consultants (RISC) specializes in the advisement and implementation of the highest quality group insurance products available to NAPFA members. 拥有在全美50个州开展业务的执照, 我们的个人保险部门提供人寿保险, 为财务顾问及其客户提供残疾和长期护理政策分析. 现在是加拉格尔公司, RISC的业务范围已经扩大到为顾问提供额外的解决方案, 包括E&哦,网络和更多.


SEI是具有成长型意识的ria的托管机构,使用集成的开放体系结构技术, 财富管理解决方案, 以及投资产品. A strategic business unit of SEI and serving the independent financial advisor market for nearly 30 years, 独立顾问解决方案与超过7,400名顾问和支持大约$101.70亿的顾问平台总资产(截至2024年6月30日). 欲了解更多信息,请访问


TIFIN财富 is a personalized investment proposal generation platform that uses advanced risk alignment as its foundation and can enhance an advisor’s client view through simple goal-based planning and a financial personality assessment. NAPFA 成员 with less than $100M in 管理资产 can receive a complimentary subscription to TIFIN财富. 超过这个门槛的会员有资格享受20%的折扣.


XYPN使发射成为可能, 运行, 并以完全的自主权扩展你梦想中的收费财务规划公司. 我们的综合支持系统提供成功盈利所需的一切:精心策划的技术, 定制教育资源, 由志同道合的人组成的充满活力的支持网络, 和业务, 操作, 客户支持服务.