
NAPFA为超过4个国家提供支持和教育,500 members all over the country and is governed by the volunteer board of directors and supported by 四个地区委员会. 这些志愿者包括来自全国各地的主要收费理财规划师,他们代表了更广泛的会员.

Joni Alt, CFP®


Joni是Evermay财富管理的高级财富顾问. Joni在财务规划/投资管理领域工作了30多年,并利用她作为一个不断学习的动力来寻找新的方式来服务她的客户.

作为东北/中大西洋地区委员会的一员,乔尼开始了她的NAPFA志愿服务,作为一种回馈职业的方式. “Being part of the NAPFA Board will allow me to continue that path I began a few years back. This association has helped me connect with other liked minded planners, 其中许多人现在是朋友和同事。”.

乔尼想“继续回馈NAPFA专业人士社区,他们帮助过我,这样我就可以帮助下一代进入这个行业。.她期待着专注于会员教育, maintaining NAPFA’s reputation in the financial planning community, 并在监管和公共政策问题上保持与时俱进.



Natalie是Briaud Financial Advisors的管理合伙人,从事该行业超过15年. She has served on several committees throughout her time with NAPFA, including most recently chairing the NAPFA Spring 2022 National 会议委员会.

Natalie has a strong desire to help maintain NAPFA's role "as the moral, 职业道德领袖." She hopes to help NAPFA grow and continue acting as a "guiding light" until fee only, 信托理财计划主导着市场.

迈克尔D. Gibney, CFP®,CAP®,AIF®


迈克尔·吉布尼是一位经验丰富的金融专业人士, currently holding the role of Principal and Wealth Manager at Modera Wealth Management, 有限责任公司. 拥有超过20年的财务规划经验, 之前在华尔街工作了15年, 他是全国客户信赖的顾问. 他的专业知识涉及财务规划的各个方面, 包括退休, 房地产, 税收筹划, 风险管理.

他的教育背景包括佩斯大学(Pace University)工商管理信息系统学士学位和纽约大学(New York University)财务规划证书. 他持有注册财务规划师证书, 特许慈善顾问®(CAP®), Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) professional designations. 值得注意的是, he’s been quoted in esteemed publications such as The Wall Street Journal, 财富杂志, 和《bet5365首页手机版下载》, 提供个人理财和退休计划方面的见解.

他的影响超出了他的职业生涯, 因为他积极地为社区做出贡献,包括在新泽西地铁多发性硬化症协会担任领导职务. 他是东北中大西洋区域委员会的前任成员,并担任NAPFA领导发展委员会的前任主席.



达芙妮·乔丹,注册会计师, is a wealth advisor at Pioneer Wealth Management Group in Austin, Texas. 对创新和思想领导有坚定的承诺, 达芙妮在全国个人财务顾问协会(NAPFA)和整个财务规划界做出了重大贡献. She is proud of co-founding and co-chairing NAPFA's groundbreaking Diversity & Inclusion initiative and serving back-to-back terms as the Association’s Audit 椅子.

Daphne's unwavering dedication has earned her well-deserved recognition in the industry. 她很荣幸被列入Investopedia的2021年100位顶级财务顾问,并获得了InvestmentNews“卓越多样性”计划颁发的2019年杰出新星奖. 作为一个炙手可热的专家, 她在Money Savage和Negotiate Anything播客等平台上分享了她的见解,并在几次会议和活动中就金融教育主题发表了演讲. 达芙妮还在奥斯汀家庭杂志上发表了一篇文章,并被Nerd Wallet的在线杂志和美联社引用.

达芙妮不仅是一位值得信赖的财务顾问,而且是变革的催化剂,并努力成为使财务规划易于实现的推动力. 作为一名前教育家和终身学习者, she distinctly understands the transformational power of knowledge and the change it can enact.

Dr. 克里斯蒂·亚克莱塔博士.D.,左,ft - i (tm)


克里斯蒂L. 阿楚,Ph值.D., LMFT, CFT-I™️ is a Professor in the Financial Planning program at the University of Georgia. She holds the Betsy Barnard Sages Endowed Professorship for Financial Therapy and Financial Planning. 在加入佐治亚大学之前, 她是堪萨斯州立大学个人财务规划项目的副教授和主任. 她是金融治疗协会的联合创始人 金融治疗杂志, 全国首个金融治疗学术项目, 金融行为主题小组, 妇女管理农场. Dr. 作为一名演讲者和作家,亚克莱塔已经获得了国内和国际的关注,他发表了许多学术文章,并合编了两本bet5365首页手机版下载财务规划的书, 金融疗法, 金融咨询, 心理健康. She serves on the 董事会 for the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors, NAFPA的消费者教育基金会, 金融治疗临床研究所, 还有两个编辑评审委员会. She is commonly featured in podcasts and major news media outlets, such as the 纽约时报, 投资的新闻, CNBC仅举几例,并因其前沿研究而获奖. Dr. 亚克莱塔获得了金融治疗协会的2024年名人堂和2023年年度导师奖. 她也是堪萨斯州立大学人类生态学院迈尔斯-阿尔福德杰出教学奖和俄克拉荷马州立大学人文科学学院杰出校友奖的获得者.

费洛德·卡利克斯特,J.D., CFP®

Feraud Calixte is a Senior Financial Advisor at Modera Wealth Management, 有限责任公司. His role involves working with clients to formulate planning goals, 制定和实施财富管理策略,监督客户实现其财务和投资目标的进展.

在加入Modera之前, Feraud是精品财务规划公司Vantage Pointe planning的创始人和首席财务规划师. Feraud worked as an advisor for several large national wealth management firms. Feraud is passionate about helping families navigate the complexities often 365bet线上盘口app官网d with 金融s. Feraud is committed to the financial planning industry and regularly volunteers to teach financial literacy. 除了在NAPFA董事会任职, 他曾在NAPFA南部地区董事会任职, 会议委员会, 会员资格委员会, 和更多的.

弗劳德曾被各种出版物引用,如美国.年代的新闻 & 世界报道,雅虎财经,投资新闻,NAPFA顾问. Feraud has been recognized by 投资的新闻 40 under 40 as an emerging leader in the industry. He was also interviewed for the Longview Podcast hosted by Morningstar Inc.


安是独立进步顾问公司的老板, 波特兰的收费注册投资顾问, 俄勒冈州. 除了做了十几年的财务顾问, Ann的商业背景包括技术行业的营销和战略规划,并拥有两家企业, 一家专业服务公司和葡萄酒进口商/经销商. Ann holds the CFP® designation and earned her BA from the University of California, Berkeley.

安是这本书的作者 如何支付大学学费,以及“大学理财女士”g. 她开发了“大学理财计划大师班”,以帮助更多的家庭克服这种经常被焦虑困扰的状况, 压倒性的, 令人困惑的过程. 她经常被国家媒体引用(《bet5365首页手机版下载》、《365bet线上盘口app官网》) & 《bet5365首页手机版下载》(World Report)bet5365首页手机版下载大学规划的主题.

Ann曾担任NAPFA西部地区董事会成员, 领导地方团体和会员活动.

Cheryl Holland, CFP®,CFBA

Cheryl is the Founder of Abacus Planning Group and has been in the profession for more than 30 years. 她已经参与了几个NAPFA志愿者的机会, 包括多个会议委员会, 主席的委员会, 领导力峰会委员会, 和更多的.

谢丽尔对与大公司相关的问题有着强烈的承诺,并扩大了职业的多样性. She feels that NAPFA is "often the North star and change maker and can be in this area, too".

本·雅各布斯,M.S.cfp®,ea, aif®

本是full Financial的创始人. 他在佐治亚大学获得了财务规划和消费经济学的本科和硕士学位, 他以最优异的成绩从哪里毕业. He has nearly ten years of experience in NAPFA as a student member, 365bet线上盘口app官网, 和napfa注册财务顾问. He served on the NAPFA创世纪 Committee for five years, most recently as 椅子. Additionally, he was a 2021 recipient of NAPFA's New Professional Award. Ben is also a part-time instructor in the financial planning program at UGA, 教授财务规划课程的顶点课程.

作为董事会成员, 本希望在DEI委员会所做的工作的基础上,解决行业中重要的DEI问题. He also hopes to address the "ongoing issue of compensation as a financial advisor.他认为,“向消费者提供更多的教育,并在顾问的薪酬方面保持透明度,仍应是当务之急。”. 他对NAPFA提供的收费顾问社区充满热情,并荣幸地担任NAPFA董事会成员. Ben lives with his husband, Cody, their three dogs in Athens, GA.

Justin Nichols, CFP®

Justin Nichols is a Managing Principal - Operations at CGN Advisors, 一只收费, 总部设在曼哈顿的金融咨询公司, 堪萨斯. 在他的角色中, Justin负责顾问开发和入职, 以及正在进行的行动. 2003年起担任顾问, 他喜欢与客户建立长期关系, 帮助他们实现个人理财目标, 比如还清学生贷款或提前退休. 贾斯汀擅长简化复杂的话题, his clients are grateful to have a trusted fancial partner who keeps their best interests at heart. He prioritizes listening to their concerns so they know their efforts will be collaborative, with full context and straightforward options that address all their questions and concerns.

Justin获得了堪萨斯州立大学的金融学位,并拥有注册金融规划师(CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™)称号. 热爱金融教育, Justin曾在不同的组织中担任过多个职位, 包括在堪萨斯州立大学的个人财务规划课程中担任了六年多的兼职讲师. Justin lives with his wife, Edee, sons, Nate and Luke, in Manhattan, KS. 他喜欢和家人一起旅行, 在湖边消磨时光, 滑雪, 每周打几次网球. 他在他的教堂做志愿者, 他儿子的4-H俱乐部, 以及GPN联盟成员公司和, 当然, NAPFA.

谢丽尔J. Sherrard, CFP®,M. A. 在老年学

谢丽尔是策划总监, a Senior Financial Advisor and part-owner at Clearview Wealth Management in Charlotte, NC. 20多年来,她一直是NAPFA的活跃成员, 在南区委员会任职, various conference committees and the Leadership Development Committee. NAPFA has provided a way to learn from other like-minded advisors and through her volunteerism, it has provided the perfect way to give back to the financial planning community.

She focuses on assisting with later life decisions for aging clients, 包括独自衰老的女性. She has become a vital resource to aging client families and other advisors across the United States, presenting at national conferences and speaking in the community on aging topics. 她完成了一个M.A. 在老年学 to better understand aging and its potential issues.

Cheryl is also trained as a Stephen’s Minister to support those in crisis situations. 培训教会了她积极倾听和反思性提问,帮助别人分享他们的担忧. 这些技能有助于她成为一名顾问, where listening well is one of the greatest gifts she can give clients.

詹姆斯J. 威廉姆斯,注册会计师,工商管理硕士

James (JJ) Williams is the CEO and Founder of Williams Financial, 有限责任公司. 拥有超过20年的经验, 他建立了一个充满激情的团队,帮助客户了解并在他们的财务规划中发挥积极作用.

JJ holds a business administration degree from Southern Vermont College, 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校的MBA学位, as well as a certificate in financial planning from Boston University. 他持有多个证券执照, such as Series 7 and 63 and currently holds the Series 66 FINRA licenses. 在成立威廉姆斯金融之前, JJ的职业生涯跨越了各种角色, 从银行经理到市场总监, 监督运营, 金融, 以及作为独立经纪人的合规.

他是一位敬业的教育家, 曾在卡斯尔顿大学教授商业课程, 佛蒙特社区学院, 和南佛蒙特学院. 他还曾在哈德逊谷社区学院担任创业部门主席, 纽约州立大学.

加入NAPFA董事会之前, 他曾担任NAPFA成员委员会的前任主席,并曾担任NAPFA东北中大西洋地区委员会的董事会成员.